邮箱: 377676435@qq.com
黄志强(HuangZhiqiang)1985年7月于华中工学院获学士学位,1988年7月于华中理工大学获硕士学位,2012年11月于同济大学获博士学位。1988年7月至今在武汉工程大学机电工程学院进行任教。主要研究方向为力学、材料的断裂与损伤,在力学与材料领域国际权威期刊Int J Solids Struct、Composites Part B以及J SandwStructMater等发表论文十余篇,多次参加大型国际学术会议并作报告,参加国家自然科学基金面上项目2项。
2011/04-2012/04,The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Department of Applied Mathematics, Research Assistant
2014/02-2014/03,City University of Hong Kong,Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering,Research Fellow
2015/01-2015/03,City University of Hong Kong,Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering,Postdoctoral Fellow
2016/01-2016/03,City University of Hong Kong,Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering,Senior Research Associate
2017/01-2017/03,City University of Hong Kong,Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering,Senior Research Associate
1.<![endif]>Z.Q.Huang,S.H.Yi,H.X.Chen,X.Q.He.Parameter analysis of damaged region for laminates with matrix defects.J SandwStructMater 2019; inpress, online:DOI: 10.1177/1099636219842290: 1-41
2.<![endif]>Z.Q. Huang, X.Q. He. Stress distributions and mechanical properties of laminates [θ m /90 n ] S with closed and open cracks in shear loading. Int J Solids Struct 2017; 118–119: 97-108
3.<![endif]>Z.Q. Huang, X.Q. He, K.M. Liew. A sensitive interval of imperfect interface parameters based on the analysis of general solution for anisotropic matrix containing an elliptic inhomogeneity. Int J Solids Struct 2015; 73–74: 67–77
4.<![endif]>Z.Q. Huang, C.K. Chan, G.H. Nie. A general solution for plane problem of anisotropic media containing elliptic inhomogeneity with polynomial eigenstrains. Int J Mech Sci 2015; 94-95: 156–67
5.<![endif]>Z.Q. Huang, J.C. Zhou, X.Q. He, K.M. Liew. Variational analysis for angle-ply laminates with matrix cracks. Int J Solids Struct 2014; 51: 3669–78
6.<![endif]>Z.Q. Huang, G.H. Nie, C.K. Chan. Solution of the plane problem for anisotropic media containing an elliptic inhomogeneity with dislocation-like interface. Acta Mech 2013; 224: 2863–80.
7.<![endif]>Z.Q. Huang, G.H. Nie, C.K. Chan. An exact solution for stresses in cracked composite laminates and evaluation of the characteristic damage state. Composites Part B 2011; 42: 1008–14