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    发布时间:2019-11-06  发布者: 点击阅读数:



    男,198910月出生,2016年至今任武汉工程大学机电工程学院副教授,硕士生导师,材料工程系主任。科研兴趣主要在先进金属结构材料及金属基复合结构材料的制备及加工,研究方向如下:(1)先进高强度钢、高熵合金、高强度因瓦合金以及高性能复合材料等结构材料的强韧化,用于汽车轻量化,轨道交通,航空航天,生物医疗,车辆武器装甲防护,防撞梁等;(2)金属增材制造,用于航空航天,生物医疗等;(3)机器学习驱动结构材料的设计开发。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目,和企业横向开发项目,参与国家自然科学基金面上项目,和韩国贸易、工业能源部重点项目等。目前在Scripta MaterialiaMaterials Science and Engineering: AMaterials and DesignAdditive Manufacturing等期刊发表SCI论文20余篇;以第一发明人授权国家发明专利2项。荣获武汉工程大学赢时胜奖教金,武汉工程大学优秀硕士论文指导教师等荣誉。


    E-mailrenlong.xiong@foxmail.com; 办公地点:机电楼220













    (1)Huabei Peng, Lixin Sun, Jiabei Zhang, Yang Zuo, Renlong Xiong*, Hui Wang, Yuhua Wen, Hyoung Seop Kim. Abnormal strain-hardening in Co-rich CoNiV medium-entropy alloys. Scripta Materialia, 2024, 241: 115894. (通讯作者)

    (2)Yiming Yu, Yi Liu, Renlong Xiong*, Tuanwei Zhang, Hanxin Chen, Hyoung Seop Kim. Quantitative characterization of mechanical twins based on new digital image processing method. Materials Characterization, 2023, 195: 112492. (通讯作者)

    (3)Renlong Xiong, Huabei Peng, Tuanwei Zhang, Jae Wung Bae, Hyoung Seop Kim, Yuhua Wen. Superior strain-hardening by deformation-induced nano-HCP martensite in Fe–Mn–Si–C high-manganese steel. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2021, 824: 141864.

    (4)Yi Liu, Yiming Yu, Tuanwei Zhang, Renlong Xiong*, Hyoung Seop Kim. Quantification of Mechanical Twins in Metallographic Images of Twinning-Induced Plasticity Steels Using a New Image Processing Method. Metals and Materials International, 2021, 27: 618-628. (通讯作者)

    (5)Renlong Xiong, Yi Liu, Haitao Si, Huabei Peng, Shanling Wang, Binhan Sun, Hanxin Chen, Hyoung Seop Kim, Yuhua Wen. Effects of Si on the Microstructure and Work Hardening Behavior of Fe‒17Mn‒1.1C‒xSi High Manganese Steels. Metals and Materials International, 2021, 27: 3891-3904.

    (6)Renlong Xiong, Hyeonseok Kwon, G.M. Karthik, Gang Hee Gu, Peyman Asghari-Rad, Sujung Son, Eun Seong Kim, Hyoung Seop Kim. Novel multi-metal stainless steel (316L)/high-modulus steel (Fe-TiB2) composite with enhanced specific modulus and strength using high-pressure torsion. Materials Letters, 2021, 303: 130510.

    (7)Renlong Xiong, Huabei Peng, Shanling Wang, Haitao Si, Yuhua Wen. Effect of stacking fault energy on work hardening behaviors in Fe-Mn-Si-C high manganese steels by varying silicon and carbon contents. Materials & Design, 2015, 85: 707-714.

    (8)Renlong Xiong, Shanling Wang, Huabei Peng, Haitao Si, Yuhua Wen. Occurrence sequence of deformation-induced ε-martensite and mechanical twinning in an Fe17Mn3Si0.6C high manganese steel. Steel Research International, 2015, 86: 1252-1259.

    (9)Renlong Xiong, Huabei Peng, Haitao Si, Wanhu Zhang, Yuhua Wen. Thermodynamic calculation of stacking fault energy of the Fe–Mn–Si–C high manganese steels. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2014, 598: 376-386.

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